Presentation Description

Kids' behavior can be funny, baffling, irritating, confusing, and even anger provoking. Welcome to the club. Many of us need a fresh and deeper understanding of kids' behavior. This presentation will cover the importance of gaining reflective capacity about the underlying social-emotional needs driving kids' behavior and reflective capacity about our reactions to kids' behavior. It will also review the potential for Circle of Security Parenting to build reflective capacity and meet the underlying social-emotional needs of kids. The pay-off for adults is often less stress, a greater level of coherence, and an increase in emotional connectedness.



Charlie Slaughter

Charlie Slaughter, MPH, has a passion for equipping kids and adults to thrive in life by influencing the quality of relationships they have. He initially did this while working as public health nutritionist through his work that focused on interactions at mealtimes. In the late 1990's a colleague encouraged Charlie to read Robert Karen's book, Becoming Attached, leading Charlie on a journey that shifted his focus to a public health approach to building and supporting secure attachment. In 2010 when the Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) intervention was released Charlie initiated and has led an effort to spread COSP to communities and community organizations in Connecticut where over 2,500 people have been trained in COSP. He believes COSP is a tool that strengthens relationships and in doing so equips infants, kids, students, adolescents, and even adults with various social-emotional capacities needed to thrive in all aspects of life. Given the wide range of people disciplines and settings using COSP, he sees the potential to create community-wide efforts that equip many more kids to thrive in life.

Charlie lives with his wife, Betsy, in East Hartford, CT. He is an avid gardener and home repair guy. Charlie is also very devoted to his spiritual growth.  He has found the concepts of attachment theory and implicit memories to play powerful and essential roles in gaining coherence about himself and other people and to regaining a greater sense of joy in life.

Charlie Slaughter

Recordings & Captions





Links - View

The Essential Survival Tool of Reflective Capacity - View

Circle of Security 1 - View

Circle of Security 2 - View

Child Thriving in Life - View